

Big decisions aren’t made by looking through spreadsheets. Actions speak louder than words. In this case, actions speak louder than numbers.

Even if you racked up some big stats in high school, college coaches want to know that those stats are going to translate to the college level.

RecruitTalk’s Video ShowCase™ for Coaches gives you instant access to a prospect’s game footage and provides proof for those outrageous claims we have all seen come across our desks. In other words, ShowCase lets you make contextually based recruiting decisions.

For a long time, it was difficult and expensive for athletes to get highlight videos made, but with the mobile tech revolution, capturing a big play for an athlete is as simple whipping out an iPhone. But… that can be a slippery slope for you. With it being so easy to record, we’re finding that there’s a glut of very bad video floating around.

That’s why we provide educational content for Athletes and their Contributors™ that teaches them how to shoot and edit better, more relevant video for you, the Coach, and gives them a way to get new video to you, faster. ShowCase also lets you filter by highlights, drills, games, practice, and strength/conditioning. You can also see testimonials from their high school coaches and mentors.

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